Northwest Registered Agent, Inc
We serve the Sheridan, Wyoming office
Registered Agents Inc.
Wyoming Process Server Serving
Registered Agents in Sheridan, Wy
Sheridan, Wyoming is home to many registered agent offices. Registered agents are individuals or companies that accept service of process on behalf of business entities in Wyoming. These agents typically have a written agreement which allows them to accept process. This designation to accept process is recognized by state statute and there are certain rules to follow. A registered agent is nothing specific to Wyoming and nearly all states require a business entity to have on.
Our Wyoming process servers understand the rules and statutes regulating service of process on registered agents.
What is a registered agent?
A registered agent is a person or entity physically located in Wyoming who is designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of a business. When looking into a company their involvement in the company may be confusing. Many times a company chooses to use the registered agent's address as their own principal office or mailing address. It is important to remember that these agent's do not have any managing or ownership relationship. They are a separate from the entity itself and only act in a manner that is to accept any legal documents presented.
> Wyoming Secretary of State Definition <Who are the registered agents in Sheridan, Wy?
Registered agents exist in all parts of Wyoming. These agents can sometimes be a home address, but many times they are in an office suite or something similar. Two major commercial registered agents located in Sheridan, Wy are Registered Agents, Inc. and Northwest Registered Agents. The state of Wyoming has specific statutes regulating who and how a registered agent operates. Wyoming maintains a roster of agents that choose to have their credentials public.
> Wyoming Secretary of State Roster of Registered Agents <Is there any additional information about Commercial Registered Agents?
The concept of a registered agent may be new to you or still confusing. Our Wyoming process servers can answer questions on how we can help serve agents. Also, the Wyoming Secretary of State has a webpage with many frequently asked questions and more specific details on who and what these agents do.
> Wyoming Secretary of State Commercial Registered Agents <